
판매 가격$434.00

발렌타인 데이 세일 코드: VD25

SKU: 하늘빛
전 세계 무료 배송
1 년간 품질 보증


The BASE60. Did you ever wonder how time got organized into a system of seconds and minutes and hours? Mechanical precision for a watch counts on it! Ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia some 5100 years ago recognized that the smallest number divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 is 60. Sixty is a superior highly composite number as it is more divisible than any other lower positive integer, too (it also divides by 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, and 60)! The Babylonians applied this sexagesimal way of counting (using a unique number of digits 0 to 60) for astronomy, circular geometry, the calendar, and time: it's also more simply known as Base 60. So 60 seconds form a minute; 60 minutes form an hour. At Angles Watches, we have streamlined how each hour now travels across those 60 minutes when read on your wrist. The Angles BASE60 - A Beautiful Time Machine.